Forum Post: “PDX: Restaurant Service” (Jun.2006)


“I just want to start off by saying how much I love the food scene in Portland. Great ingredients, talented cooks, good restaurants, etc. However, after a series of dismal customer service experiences this past Sunday I’m wondering how others feel about Portland waitstaff service.

I’ve been having a conversation with the people I was out with Sunday and we’re sort of wondering if others are as dismayed by bad service in Portland as we are. And a lot of times it’s not really bad, just indifferent or lazy. Is there good service here? Do any of you know of restaurants with a great waitstaff?”

source: “PDX: Restaurant Service” by nagrom (ChowHound, Jun.30,2006)

WaiterBell Angle: Chowhound has recently redesigned their web site after having been purchased by CNET. This is a very lively and respected forum that discusses eating and restaurants. It is also an example of the growing popularity of online restaurant communities (i.e., and word of mouth from customers.